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About Tumbleweed Chronicles


Hello! My name is Laura (though my mom calls me her tumbleweed, hence the name) and welcome to my corner of the travel blogosphere! I am a 30 year old American who has traveled to all 50 states and 43 countries. Much of this has been because I have the privilege to lead a 21st century nomadic lifestyle, as I move around a lot and use these new places for a base to travel. This blog is a space for stories from this existence. I try to post twice a week - every Tuesday and Saturday. However, I have two full-time jobs at the moment so it's sometimes hard to keep up with blogging! 


As someone with both an undergraduate and graduate degree in international studies, I obviously want to understand the world. The best way to achieve this goal is to experience it first-hand, so...well, put simply, I move a lot. I have lived in three distinct places in my home state of Minnesota, and since I turned 20 I have also lived in Wyoming, Alaska, Washington DC, Germany, Senegal, the United Kingdom, and I currently live in China.    


My career is focused on international politics, thus many of my blogs (especially in the "thoughts" sections) have more serious themes. However, for the most part, I try to keep things fun on here. If you are interested in my political ramblings, below is a link for my Medium account. 

I hope you enjoy my blog, and thank you for visiting!

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